Break Burst Trigger has its team members and its contributors. Some are current, some are past, and some are potentially in the process of jumping on the team!
© 2022 BreakBurstTrigger.com
Gamer, writer, and movie aficionado; "C"!
"C" is a contributing member whenever given the chance, focusing mostly on story and graphics for Break Burst Trigger. He juggles many other daily life tasks and work. Fun stuff!
John was on the team for a short while, but while he was onboard, he brought creative input, laughs, and some graphic design. Thanks, John!
T3KYO is the lead designer on Break Burst Trigger. He's a gamer, a creative, and maybe a chill dude? He's primarily a musician, but most is a close second to preference of creative crafts.
His goal is to create immersive story-driven content in variety of media.
//Lead Game Design
//Lead World Design
//Lead Character Design
//Lead Concept Artist/Illustrator
//Lead 3D Model and Texture Artist
//Lead Graphic Design
//Lead Web Design/Developer
//Lead Video Editor/Animator
//Lead UI Design
//Lead Composer/Arrangements/Music Supervisor
//Lead Writer/Campaign Contributor
//Jr. Graphic Design
//Jr. UI Design
//Jr. Video Editor
//Additional Game Design
//World Design Contributer
//Campaign Writer/Contributor
//Jr. Graphic Design
Managers of all things community and communications regarding events and street challenges.
//Community Management