Breakers is a term that defines an inline skater who has skates that use governmental technology to boost their skating abilities. Breakers are further defined by the skate and battling style when it comes to turf wars. The term derives from the break dancing scene with B-boying/girling, and how they would use music and perform dance tricks with their own style.
Breakers amplify their styles by properly modifying their skates to further define their style.
In the beginning….
Noone knows how or when, but some governmental tech hit the streets.
Of all groups that could have discovered it, utilized it, it was the aggressive inline skaters - punks and misfits of the streets.
Even now, it’s uncertain how the gears turned and clicked, but they did, and the people did what people do best - they got creative.
They tried to find a way to merge the two elements of skating and this new technology, and they did through trial and error.

The main component of this new inline skating method is a “Core” - an energy cell that has a high output capacity. It’s what powers the skate - granting an individual’s skates the power to go faster, jump higher, grind longer - defy gravity.
The term Breaker was coined to identify these new skaters, a reflection of Breakdancers, the individuals who cranked tunes and performed styling dance moves to the rhythm.

The Breaker scene created an underground market - where modifying parts are crafted to grant different ability boosting attributes to skates. It then created an underground currency⏤untraceable, encrypted currency carried digitally by Breakers, known as B-sides.
Some groups cashed in on it all, creating their own line of skates and building modifying parts to sell within the Breaker scene. Underground leagues for street races manifested for gangs to battle for turf ownership and glory. Data riders were born⏤using their skates, they were smugglers of information of company secrets⏤always up to the highest bidder.
Breakers have began shaping the city's future.
With these skaters coming onto the skate scene, bringing a new element to themselves and calling themselves Breakers, individuals started to define specific riding and bursting styles. BT mods further enhanced these defined styles. These styles are broken into an individual's preferred style. The Offense style is for aggressive skaters. Those who like to go fast. Hit hard. Defense styles were for those who like to take their time, stand from afar and mix it up when bursting.
The Tank style was for those who could take the falls, the blunt force, and wanted nothing to do other than go right through the thick of it if need be.
BTs are skates with the street Burst technology embedded into the skates that allow the skater to Burst. The skates are engineered to disperse the governmental energy source simply referred to as the Battery Core, or just Core.
The wearers of such technology may skate around as if they are normal skates, but once engaged, they are able to trigger a sudden burst of energy that propel the wearer, and give the ability to perform acrobatic feats and engage in Burst Battles.
Once the BTS hit the street, many began looking for ways to go faster, higher, and gain balance that was impossible. This was the birth of BT mods.
When installed on BTS, they could amplify or focus certain attributes more effectively from the battery core. This is also what helped define B-Styles more. Breakers could pack light, and install speed mods, to go even faster, stay in the air longer with thruster mods from jumps.
These mods to the BTS helped create the Breaker markets, where local underground vendors could create their own brand of mods and sell them on the streets, or online in breaker networks.
Breaker Markets are the hidden underground shopping grounds for Breakers. Vendors who would sell their own design and branded BTs or BT mods pop up with other sellers of gear throughout the city. Some vendors have established and hidden locations in cities, while others move around the city for continued secrecy from City Enforcement Agents.
Breaker markets created an underground currency - untraceable cryptocurrency stored on B-Links. There are many ways a Breaker can earn additional Bsides - completing gigs, winning a bet, winning burst battles, and more.
B-Link stands for Breaker Link, which is an app or a device that only Breakers have access to. The App/Device provides details regarding the Breaker scene, such as rankings in underground Breaker games or Leagues, networks to find other breakers or part shops, city layouts, and information about the current pair of BTs that a Breaker is wearing, it also keeps track of the Breaker currency, Bsides.
When a new Breaker finally steps into the scene, they are usually granted access through another Breaker once they've proven themselves in some way by completing a challenge or completing a gig.
The underground world of the Breaker scene is popular with sports and leagues dedicated to using BTs in events that pit Breakers against other Breakers.
A notable breaker game is called “Breakneck”. Breakneck is an obstacle course set up like an arena for crews to battle each other, usually for Bsides.
Data Drifters, or Drifters for short, are Breakers that are hired to hack and transfer information. Drifters tend to fall into the style of the Defense Burst style, since their skills and knowledge come from their understanding and usage of technology.
The BB37 Network is the underground network for those who are considered Breakers. The BB37 network is an underground news network that operates as both a news and social channel for Breakers. Breakers can find out the latest news in the Breaker scene. Can see posted challenges by Breakers, track Street ranks,.
The network was created by two individuals advocating for expressive freedoms and wanting to empower the movement of Breakers.
With the Breakers expressing freedoms, rhythms, and styles, the local city government aimed to suppress those who rode with such disregard for city ordinances. Politicians in power sought more power, and through campaigns, pushed towards ridding the city of Breakers. Hidden agendas always lie beneath the surface, and as such, this was a chance to seize more power⏤more city-wide control. Those at the high-table, the ones playing politics, would use the local City Enforcement Agents to do their bidding. The city secrets run deep. And the question, is: whether or not the politicians, or perhaps the Breakers, define the streets. Perhaps both govern the streets. Perhaps both parties have hidden agendas.
The city is governed by City Enforcement Agents - representing the law of the city and directed by those in power. The Enforcement Agency implores all basic policing tactics and tools to maintain a rule-abiding city. With the rise of the Breakers, the city’s politicians have called for stricter laws and have increased the Agency’s budget, where they are acquiring and building new technologies that would assist in the arrest and prosecution of those caught free-riding on BTs and expressing themselves on the city streets.