We mentioned how Break Burst Trigger was not just a game, but it also focused on community.

It is also heavily focused on you being creative.
Getting your creative juices pumping.
BB37 is our lore-based, community driven website that does just that.
Learn more about the city streets of Break Burst Trigger, chat it up, level up your street rank, and customize your look and style for everyone else to see!

It's about you! Creativity! And everyone else!
Hang out, collaborate, team up for a street challenge or chat it up about anything!

You can also recruit players for you Break Burst Trigger gaming sessions! Neat, yo!
Earn levels to progress your Street Class Rank, customize your Breaker online appearance, and then earn points to shop-it-up and customize you appearance further!
Street Tags are how you define yourself in the BB37 Network!
Change your Back Tag Background that's fitting!
Pick a title that defines you, and Level up your Street Class
by participating in events!
Earn points known as "Bsides" and use them to buy new customizable
items for your Street Tag! You Can earn Bsides by participating in events and by chilling
in the garage with others!
Particate in seasonal events called Street Challenges!

Explore creative Street Challenges posed to you by the Rival gangs of Break Burst Trigger; whether it's art, music, or video - whatever!

Find out what's happening on the streets by visiting the map and seeing ongoing street challenges!
Yellow Jacks tagging up the streets? Tag em' back! Encrypted trippy messages from the Scary Boys plastered on streets? Detective-it-up and decipher it! Maybe a new crew will show up and broadcast a track that brainwashes the city. Can you make a dope track that counters their effects and save the city?