Crafted in a funky and stylin' fashion, Break Burst Trigger is providing you with original tracks that can set you skating to beats and tackling the streets.
Tracks are based on it’s stylin’ theme and gameplay scenarios that’ll help you fit right in to the action!
But really, you can use the music to anything, like, ahem, working on your character(s) for your gameplay sessions.

Check out some beats, here!
//Need to find other Breakers to run a game with?
//Want to learn more in-depth lore?
//Want to complete street events to show you run the city!?

//We know you do.

//The BB37 Network is the way to do it! Stay tuned for more details soon!

//BB37 Management//
Somewhere, at some time, the city streets have gotten chaotic.
Breakers - who are inline skaters that have embedded governmental tech into their skates - skate with enhanced trick capabilities beyond normal skaters. This has become a new trend. has become a new lifestyle.

Their skates have the ability to use gravity defying powers -- they called this process, “Bursting”.

Crews have formed using the skates to fight over terrortories of the city. Corrupt politicians aim to seize more citywide control, by using Breakers as an example of too much freedom.
And the city law enforcement act as an extension of the corrupt, as rivals and suppressive iron fist for free riding Breakers.

The question now is: how are YOU going to take it all on?
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Consider following the official twitter for all future updates!
Community Events
Keep yourself vibing to the beats but alive on the streets!
Take part in online community events that you keep your Breaker and creative skills flowing! Show off your graffiti skills in art contest, show us how you rock some beats with some remixes from the soundtrack, or unite as Breakers and work together on events that are just too big to do it alone!

See upcoming events, here!
Take to the streets of Break Burst Trigger, a Tabletop RPG with digitally supported features that let's you take on the roles of skating cool punks, called Breakers!
Use unique styling classes and gear to take on rival crews, combat the oppressive police force, challenge corrupt politicians, and take on the underbelly of the city of the Breakers scene!
Skate into the streets and challenge those who think they own them! Create a unqiue character that fits your style of play and discover the deep and immerse lore that awaits!
With easy to learn rules and mechanics, and stylistic theme that's vibrant and cool, you'll be able to drop right into the action in style and start your Breaker story!
Whether you’re playing the game or just dig Break Burst Trigger, take part in online community activities and events!
Share your characters, your character's backstory, your character and crew’s graffiti tag, remix some beats, share you own crafted campaigns, and rise to the challenges of online events!
The plans for Break Burst Trigger aren't limited, and there are ideas on the back burner that are just red hot! Planned seasonal updates to expand on mechanics, enemies, gear, along with lore, and planned events to keep you on your toes on the streets -- the future just seems bright. Stay tuned, stay informed, define your style, and invent the future!